Land Use
The Land Use Committee is a committee of the entire board that reviews, amongst other items, all applications for changes in zoning. The Land Use Committee meets on the second Wednesday of every month and attendance at this meeting is mandatory. As noted, the Land Use Committee is a Committee of the whole and therefore also reviews the activities of other committees.
Valerie Mason, Chair
Current Agenda
Archived Agendas, Minutes and Resolutions
- Click here
Community Updates
- 06.14.17 147-155 East 86th Street Traffic and Transit Presentation to CB8M
- 11.21.16 December 14th Land Use/Full Board meeting
- 0916-BSA 2016-4240-BZ 1231 Third Avenue
- 0916-BSA 75-95-BZ 1635 Third Avenue
- 07.06.16 BSA Calendar No. 303-05-BZ, 428 East 75th Street - To be heard at the July 20th Full Board Meeting
- BSA Calendar No. 66-96-BZ 510 East 74th Street Epiphany Community Nursery School - To be heard at July 20 FB
- 07.06.16 ULURP Application 160213ZSM, 1290 Madison Avenue - To be heard at the July 20th Full Board Meeting
- 0216 BSA Calendar No. 180-05-BZ 1511 Third Avenue
- BSA Calendar No. 2016-1208-BZ-300 East 64th Street
- 01.07.16 BSA Calendar No. 515-89-BZ 50 East 78th Street
- 01.07.16 BSA Calendar No. 253-89-BZ 405-411 East 73rd Street
- 11.17.15 BSA 225-15-BZ The Allen-Stevenson School 126-134 East 78th Street
- 10.26.15 N 160051 ZRY Mandatory Inclusionary Housing Text Amendment
- 10.26.15 N 160049 ZRY Zoning for Quality and Affordability Text Amendment
- BSA 225-15-BZ The Allen-Stevenson School 126-134 East 78th Street
- 09.01.15 BSA Calendar No. 382-80-BZ, 316-318 East 91st Street
- 03.11.15 CB8M Update East River Esplanade Presentation at Rockefeller University
- 01.30.15 ULURP 150213ZSM, 20-22 East 71st Street, Block 1385, Lot 57
- 12.29.14 Stairwells Text Amendment for Non-residential Buildings - To Be Heard At January 14, 2015 Land Use Meeting
- BSA Cal No. 705-81-BZ - 1433 York Avenue
- BSA Cal No. 270-14-BZ - 203 East 92nd Street
- 10.20.14 BSA The Chapin School - To Be Heard At January 14, 2015 Land Use Meeting
- 10.01.14 Updated October Land Use and Full Board agenda
- 09.16.14 BSA 152 E. 87th Presentation
- 08.27.14 BSA APPLICATION 152-58 EAST 87TH STREET - FILED 8-26-14
- 07.03.14 BSA 152 E. 87th Street Final Draft BSA Application
- 06.11.14 BSA Cal. No. 116-14-BZ 188 East 93rd Street - To be heard at July Land Use
- 07.09.14 BSA Special Permit - 2nd & 3rd Fl, 4th Fl, and 5th - BSA Cal. No. 121-14-BZ
- 06.03.14 BSA Special Permit - 4th Floor - Physical Culture Establishment BSA Cal. No. 121-14-BZ.PDF
- 06.03.14 BSA Special Permit - 5th Floor - Physical Culture Establishment BSA Cal. No. 121-14-BZ.PDF_.PDF
- 06.03.14 BSA Special Permit - 2nd and 3rd Floor - Physical Culture Establishment BSA Cal. No. 121-14-BZ.PDF_.PDF
- 03.28.14 0414 BSA 783 Lexington Avenue
- 02.26.13 BSA application for 45 East 75th Street, The Hewitt School
- 02.24.14 CORNELL TECH's CB8M Land Use Presentation on February 12, 2014
- 0214-BSA Application 127 East 71st Street
- 12.20.13 Application 421-a Partial Tax Exemption 200 East 79th Street, aka 1381-1389 3rd Avenue
- 11.15.13 Rockefeller University ULURP Application
- 11.15.13 Rockefeller University Draft EIS
- Notice of Completion for a Draft Environmental Impact Statement.pdf
- Cover Page and Table of Contents.pdf
- Executive Summary.pdf
- Chapter 1.pdf
- Chapter 2.pdf
- Chapter 3.pdf
- Chapter 4.pdf
- Chapter 5.pdf
- Chapter 6.pdf
- Chapter 7.pdf
- Chapter 8.pdf
- Chapter 9.pdf
- Chapter 10.pdf
- Chapter 11.pdf
- Chapter 12.pdf
- Chapter 13.pdf
- Chapter 14.pdf
- Chapter 15.pdf
- Chapter 16.pdf
- Chapter 17.pdf
- Appendix A – Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy.pdf
- Appendix B – Agency Correspondence.pdf
- Appendix C – Historic and Cultural Resources.pdf
- Appendix D – Wind Study.pdf
- Appendix E – Hazardous Materials.pdf
- 10.31.13 1113-BSA 1629 First Avenue
- 10.31.13 1113-BSA 321 East 60th Street
- 10.01.13 1013 BSA 980 Madison Avenue
- 09.05.13 BSA 301 East 66th Street
- 09.05.13 BSA 108-114 East 89th Street the Dalton School
- 09.05.13 BSA 180 East End Avenue application
- 07.26.13 Flood Resilience Zoning "A" Text Revisions
- 06.24.13 BSA Application for 301 East 66th Street
- 07.19.13 BSA Application-180 East End Avenue
- 06.21.13 Build NYC Public Announcement
- 06.07.13 Revision to the Waterfront Revitalization Program (N120213NPY)
- 05.29.13 Flood Resilience Zoning Text Amendment
- 05.29.13 Flood Resilience Zoning Text Amendment
- 05.14.13 203-205 East 92nd Street Large Scale Residential Development - June 12, 2013 Land Use meeting
- 04.25.13 N 1330232ZRM -945 2nd Ave - text amendment to be heard May 8, 2013 Land Use meeting
- 04.25.13 BSA Application-Nightingale-Bamford SOC application will be heard at the May 22, 2013 Full Board meeting
- 02.26.12 BSA 502 Park Avenue Application
- 12.17.12 Mahnattan Core Parking Text Amendment - N130105 ZRM
- 12.10.12 BSA-New York Presbyterian Hospital 1273-1285 York Avenue - 428-436 East 69th Street
- 12.12.12 Public Hearing Update: Cornell NYC Tech, 1 Main Street, Roosevelt Island
- BSA (Hospital for Special Surgery & 58 East 86th Street) + Info: Manhattan Core Parking Study - Heard June 13, 2012 - LU
- 09.26.12 BSA Application - 140 East 63rd Street - TBH Wednesday, October 10, 2012 - LU
- 09.26.12 BSA Application - 113 East 90th Street Variance Application - Heard Wednesday, October 10, 2012 - LU
- 08.28.12 BSA Cal. No. 160-11-BZ - 42 East 69th Street - Heard Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - FB
- 08.28.12 421A Tax Exemption Application - 1355 First Avenue, Block 1477 lot 27 - Heard Wednesday, September 19, 2012 FB
- 08.28.12 BSA Cal. No. 96-00-BZ - 4 East 77th Street - Heard Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - FB
- 07.02.12 BSA and 421-a 31 East 74th Street, 1113 York Avenue - Heard Wednesday, July 18, 2012 - LU/FB
- 197 & BSA - Waterfront Revitalization, 1456 First Avenue, 140 East 63rd St - Heard Wednesday, May 9, 2012 LU
- 03.28.12 197-a Public Review for Waterfront Revitalization Program revisions - Heard Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - LU
- 03.27.12 BSA Calendar No. 67-12-BZ, 1442 First Avenue - Heard Wednesday, April 18, 2012 - FB
- 03.14.12 BSA Application 115 east 69th Street, Cal. No. 635-57-BZ - Heard Wednesday, March 21, 2012 FB
- 02.23.12 BSA Application 353 EAST 76th Street - Heard Wednesday, March 14, 2012 - LU
- 02.23.12 BSA Application 1470 THIRD Avenue - Heard Wednesday, March 14, 2012 - LU
- 02.23.12 BSA Application 349 EAST 76th Street - Heard Wednesday, March 14, 2012 - LU
- 02.23.12 421-a Application 335 EAST 91st Street - Heard Wednesday, March 14, 2012 - LU
- 12.28.11 BSA Application - Memorial Hospital for Cancer and Allied Diseases - Heard Wednesday, March 14, 2012 - LU
- BSA Calendar No. 737-65-BZ, 1660 Second Avenue, Block - Heard Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - FB
- 421-a Application - 861 Lexington Avenue - Block 1399 Lot 50, Manhattan - Wednesday, December 14 - FB
- Land Use Review Application - Sutton House Garage - 420-450 East 63rd Street - Heard Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - FB
- Text Amendment NYC Department of City Planning (N 120090 ZRY) - Heard Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - FB
- BSA Cal No. 160-11-BZ, 42 East 69th Street, Block 1383 Lot 43 - Heard Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - FB
- BSA Application for: 1442 First Avenue - Heard Wednesday, April 18, 2012 - FB
- BSA Application Weill Cornell Medical College 411-431 East 69th Street - Heard Wednesday, October 19, 2011 - FB
- BSA Application No: 248-78-BZ, 1621 York Ave - Heard Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - FB
- Postponed: Part 3 - BSA Application: Re 22 East 91st Street, Manhattan, BSA Cal. No. 58-11-BZ
- Postponed: Part 2 - BSA Application: Re 22 East 91st Street, Manhattan, BSA Cal. No. 58-11-BZ
- Postponed: Part 1 - BSA Application: Re 22 East 91st Street, Manhattan, BSA Cal. No. 58-11-BZ
- BSA Application: Re 50 East 69th Street, Manhattan, BSA Cal. No. 307-81-BZ - Heard April 13, 2011 - LU/FU
- BSA Application - 330 East 61st Street - Heard Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - LU/FB
- BSA Application - 231-245 East 63rd Street - Heard January 12, 2011 LU
- Car Share Text Amendment - Heard Wednesday, May 12, 2010 - LU/FB