Women and Families Committee

The Women and Families Committee addresses the financial and social issues which affect the wellbeing of women and their families. The committee's public forums, meetings and resolutions tackle such pressing problems as gender pay inequity, sexual harassment, long term care costs, child care costs and availability, shortage of women on corporate boards, the special “Pink Tax” on products geared to women, and food insecurity. The committee focuses on the impact of these issues on women and families on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.

Women and Families Committee Members
P. Gayle Baron and Margaret Price, Co-Chairs
Lori Ann Bores
Taina Borrero
Rita Popper
Jack Sasson
Robin Seligson

Women and Families Committee Public Members
Susan Evans

Staff Liaison
Kevin Wu

Current Agenda

Archived Agendas, Minutes and Resolutions

Community Resources