Sanitation and Environment

The Sanitation and Environment Committee reviews issues involving the NYC Department of Sanitation (DSNY) and advocates for the cleanliness of the community by addressing concerns pertaining to garbage, recycling, composting, snow removal, and more. We will be the liaison between DSNY & our constituents for the timely resolution of any issues anyone has concerning sanitation. We also study and champion innovative solutions to sanitation problems, with the goal of cleaner, safer, and livable streets. The Committee is also charged with exploring and addressing the issues and solutions that can mitigate the effects of climate change and improve resiliency in our district.

Sanitation and Environment Committee Members:

Sahar Husain, Addeson Lehv, and Barbara Rudder, Co-Chairs
Bradley Hershenson
Wilma Johnson

Sanitation and Environment Committee Public Members:
Ellen Sills Levy

Sanitation and Environment Committee Liaison:
Jon Kraus

Current Agenda

Archived Agendas, Minutes and Resolutions

Community Resources

  • Coming Soon