- 163 East 73rd Street (Lexington and Third Avenues) – Upper East Side Historic District - Charles Calcagni, Architect – A late Romanesque Revival style carriage house designed by Thomas Rae and built in 1896-97. Application is to construct a rooftop addition and reconstruct the rear facade.
- 124 East 62nd Street (Park and Lexington Avenues) - Upper East Side Historic District – Higgins Quasebarth & Partners, LLC – A residence built in 1869-70 and later altered in 1938 by Eldredge Snyder. Application is to legalize the installation of an areaway fence installed without Landmarks Preservation Commission permit(s).
- 32 East 74th Street (Madison/Park Avenues) – Upper East Side Historic District - Higgins Quasebarth & Partners, LLC – An international style residence designed by William Lescaze and built in 1934-5. An International style residence designed by William Lescaze and built in 1934-35. Application is to relocate the entrance infill and construct rooftop and rear yard additions.
- 14 East 90th Street, Apt. 4C (Fifth and Madison Avenues) – Carnegie Hill Historic District – HamitlonAir Company, Inc. - A neo-Renaissance style apartment building, designed by J.E.R. Carpenter and built in 1928-29. Application is to install through-the-wall air conditioning units.
- 822 Madison Avenue (68th/69th Streets) - Upper East Side Historic District – William Fellows, Architect - A neo-Grec style rowhouse, designed by Charles Buek and built in 1881-82 and altered in the early and mid 20th century. Application is to modify the window openings.
- 815 Madison Avenue – Upper East Side Historic District – Mariotti Studio –A rowhouse built in 1881-82, and re-designed in the neo-Georgian style by Walter B. Chambers in 1926. Application is to replace the storefront infill.
- 116 East 78th Street – Upper East Side Historic District - Lee H. Harris, Architect – A rowhouse built in the 1860s and re-designed in the neo-Georgian style by Rouse & Goldstone in 1909-10. Application is to install new ironwork, alter the penthouse facade and construct new bulkheads, and to demolish the existing rear facade and extension and construct a new rear yard addition.
- 900 Fifth Avenue – Upper East Side Historic District – David Fratianne Architect, PLLC –A modern style apartment building designed by Sylvan Bien and built in 1958. Application is to install a metal and glass canopy.
- 140 East 63rd Street (aka 136-146 East 63rd Street, 813-817 Lexington Avenue) [Barbizon Hotel for Women] – A 23-story apartment hotel building type, built in 1927-28. An application to landmark the building, proposed by the Landmarks Preservation Committee.
- New Business – Borough Board resolution regarding Community Board review of landmarks applications.
- Old Business
Laid over until the next scheduled meeting
- 27 East 62nd Street (Madison and Park Avenues) – Upper East Side Historic District – Higgins Quasebarth & Partners, LLC – An apartment building with neo-Renaissance style details, designed by Lawlor and Haase and built in 1912-1913. Application is to construct a rooftop addition.
- 860 Fifth Avenue (67th/68th Streets) – Upper East Side Historic District – Highland Associates Architecture & Engineering - An apartment building designed by Sylvan Bien and built in 1949-50. Application is to construct rooftop additions.
David Liston and Jane Parshall, Co-Chairs