1022 Lexington Avenue (Upper East Side Historic District Extension) – Theodore Bodnar, Architect—A neo-Grec brownstone rowhouse constructed by Thom &Wilson between 1880-1881. Application is for first floor façade redesign and infill at the upper two floors.
15 East 91st Street (Expanded Carnegie Hill Historic District) –Oleg Ruditser PE, Architect—An apartment house designed by Leonard Schultze & Associates and built in 1946-47. Application is to remove the terrace windows to restore the terrace, install new façade windows at the terrace bay, and to build two partitions within the apartment interior demising at windows.
1083 Fifth Avenue (Expanded Carnegie Hill Historic District) –Zivkovic Connelly Architects—A Beaux-Arts style townhouse designed by Turner and Kilian and built in 1901-02. Application is to extend elevator bulkhead.