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September 2013 – Land Use Committee
September 11, 2013 @ 6:30 pm EDT
- Public Hearing: Special Order Application BSA Calendar No. 190-92-BZ, 180 East End Avenue-Application to extend the term of variance for transient parking spaces.
- Public Hearing: Special Order Application BSA Calendar No. 254-63-BZ, 301 East 66th Street-Application to extend the term of variance to allow transient use of surplus tenant spaces in an existing multiple dwelling accessory garage.
- Public Hearing: Special Order Application BSA Calendar No. 360-65-BZ, 108-114 East 89th Street, the Dalton School-Application to amend the variance and special permit to allow the construction of a two-story, 12,164 ZSF addition to the roof of the existing building on the property, increasing its floor area to 98,996.4 ZSF (9.67 FAR) and height and base height from 143’10” to 170’5” increasing non-compliance with ZR 24-11 (FAR), ZR 24-522 (b) height, base height and front setback requirements) and ZR 24-552 (b) (rear setback requirements)
- Old Business
- New Business
Nicholas D. Viest, Chair