- Public Hearing re: Applications for Single-block Street Fairs for Calendar Year 2012
- Yorkville Community School to close East 88th Street between York and First Avenue on Saturday, October 20, 2013 from 10AM to 3PM for a Block Party
- Hunter College to close East 69th Street between Lexington and Park Avenue on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 from 1PM to 5PM for a Block Party
- Residents of East 91st Street to close East 91st Street between Park and Lexington Avenue on Wednesday, October 31, 2012 from 4PM to 8PM for a Block Party
- Rudolf Steiner School to close East 79th Street between Madison and Fifth Avenue on Saturday, November 17, 2012 from 10AM to 4PM for a Block Party
- All Souls School to close East 80th Street between Lexington and Third Avenue on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 from 4PM to 7PM for a Block Party
- Old Business
- New Business
Barbara Chocky and Hedi White, Co-Chairs