1000 Fifth Avenue -The Great Hall of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Interior Landmark) - Beyer Blinder Belle - A Beaux-Arts style interior space designed by Richard Morris Hunt and constructed in 1905. Application is for installation of four digital displays - two in the north vestibule, and two in the south vestibule.
895 Park Avenue (Upper East Side Historic District) - John B. Murray, Architect - A Classicizing Art- Deco style building designed by Sloan & Robertson and constructed in 1929. Application is for the replacement of existing penthouse windows with new wood windows abiding in design, configuration, and finish to the 1997 window master plan and new pergola at 20th-floor penthouse terrace facing Park Avenue.
1312 Madison Avenue (Carnegie Hill Historic District) - Alta Indelman, Architect - A renaissance style building designed by George W. Spitzer and constructed in 1897. Application is for legalization of an existing awning and HVAC unit.