Parks and Waterfront Committee
Thursday, November 4, 2021 - 6:30 PM
This meeting will be conducted via Zoom
MINUTES: November 2021 Parks and Waterfront Committee Minutes
A livestream of this meeting can be found here .
Discussion with the Hospital for Special Surgery on the Kellen Tower project over the FDR Drive and the improvements planned for the East River Esplanade from E. 72 – E.78th (Joint with Transportation)
HSS Kellen Tower Presentation to Parks Committee
HSS Esplanade Schematic Presentation to Parks Committee
RESOLUTION: Improvements to the East River Esplanade from E.72 – E. 78 Streets
Presentation of plan for the Asphalt Green cooling tower replacement – Zaskorski & Associates Architects, Consultant, and NYC Parks.
RESOLUTION: Asphalt Green Cooling Tower Replacement
Presentation by the Central Park Conservancy regarding the restoration of the Kinderberg / Chess & Checkers House
RESOLUTION: Restoration of the Kinderberg Chess and Checkers House
Report from Shena Kaufman, Park Manager, Department of Parks and Recreation
Old Business
New Business
RESOLUTION: Vandalism at UES for BLM Vigil
Tricia Shimamura and M. Barry Schneider , Co-Chairs