Public Hearing: BSA Calendar No. 2020-8-BZ, 173 East 83rd Street, Bode NYC, formerly Bikram Yoga - Application to re-establish a previously-approved physical culture establishment (PCE) on the second floor of an existing building located in a C1-9 zoning district.
Public Hearing: BSA Cal. No. 590-76-BZ 243 East 59th Street - Renewal application for an existing advertising sign mounted on an existing building located in a C2-8 zoning district.
Public Hearing: BSA Calendar No. 516-75-BZ. Equinox Fitness, at 330 East 61st Street, Block 1345, Lots 16+37 – Application to the Board of Standards and Appeals to extend the term of a variance permitting a Physical Culture Establishment in an existing 5-story building at the Subject Site located in a C8-4 zoning district.
Discussion for public comment: 21DCP080M - Certified EAS, Positive Declaration, Draft Scope Of Work and Scoping Meeting for New York Blood Center - Center East