Hundreds Turn Out at Hearing to Voice Disapproval of Proposed Changes to Council District 26 - LIC Post
Nadler topples Maloney, ending fellow House Democrat’s 30-year tenure - Politico
Challenge to Blood Center development was in vain - Real deal
‘I’ve Been Bitten, I’ve Been Scratched By Kids": Teachers On the Lack of Monkeypox Guidelines - Curbed
New York to stretch monkeypox vaccine supply with intradermal injections - Gay City News
Pivoting to new monkeypox vaccine strategy could take weeks, NYC health commissioner says - Gothamist
Live Performance Is Back. But Audiences Have Been Slow to Return. - NY Times
Remote Isn’t Going Away, But Neither Is the Office, Survey Finds - Commercial Observer
A Migrant Wave Tests New York City’s Identity as the World’s Sanctuary - NY Times
Hochul to continue extending emergency powers as CDC eases COVID protocols - State of Politics
Adams dodges questions about his night life - Politico
How can NYC help students aspiring to attend college? Recent grads have ideas - Chalkbeat
Mayor Adams lays out first steps to support NYC's recreational pot industry - Gothamist
How NYC landlords continue to use a rent law loophole to spike regulated rents - Gothamist
Many homeless families in New York City being denied housing vouchers, analysis finds - AM NY
New York City’s largest shelter provider urges mayor to scrap 90-day shelter stay rule for housing - Gothamist
New York lawmakers consider tackling $90B student debt - State of Politics
MTA upgrades delayed by COVID-19 pandemic threatens to let mass transit fall into disrepair: report - AM NY
Upper East Side Safe Haven Plans Jolted As Shelter Provider Drops Out - Patch
Adams signs bipartisan bill granting property tax rebate to low, middle income homeowners - PoliticsNY
Turnout in NYC’s Primary Was Tragically Low — Again. Here are 6 Experts’ Ideas on How to Fix That. - The City
Mayor's curbside trash push peeves powerful union - Politico
Commuters sound off at MTA’s first congestion pricing public hearing - Gothamist
Gov. Kathy Hochul sounds support for NYC class-size bill, with changes - Gothamist
249 East 62nd Street Tops Out On Manhattan’s Upper East Side - Yimby
First Juvenile Monkeypox Case Detected In NYC, Officials Say - Patch
NJ health officials detect first 3 cases of West Nile virus this year - Gothamist
Gov. Kathy Hochul sounds support for NYC class-size bill, with changes - Gothamist
Biden’s student loan debt relief: What NYC borrowers should know - Gothamist
'Slap in the face': Indigenous Long Islanders say they are being priced out of their ancestral beach - Gothamist
Abortion-access deserts widen across U.S. - Politico
Saving the Starbucks Stairway - Our Town
Why Was It So Hard?’: How the Pandemic Changed Our Children - NYTimes
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