New Yorkers always have a tremendous desire to provide help for those in need. Making a financial contribution is the best way of helping people in need after a disaster! Cash can be used immediately in response to a crisis, and allows state and local Emergency Management Departments to purchase exactly what is needed, when it's needed. Monetary contributions can be used to procure supplies near the affected area, which cuts down on transportation time and cost. Monetary contributions also support local economies and ensure that businesses can operate when relief supplies diminish.
We have been in contact with our counterparts in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia as they respond to the consequences of Hurricane Florence, and they have reiterated the message that the best way to help is through a financial contribution. The financial donation sites for each state are listed below:
This is also a good time to remind your constituents to sign up for Notify NYC, New York City's official source for information about emergency events and important City services. Registration is free! Visit Notify NYC, Twitter, or the Notify app to sign up and learn more.
Please help us pass this message to your constituents.
Thank you for your help.
Intergovernmental Affairs
NYC Emergency Management