- Introduce New Public Members
- Re-zoning for Community District 8 and 5-Year DOE Capital Plan
- CECD2 Meeting on December 22nd
- Capital Plan and Draft letter to Kathleen Grimm on 444 seat school
- PTA Parent from PS 267 to answer questions.
- September 2011Kindergarten In-Take Schedule:
- Jan 10 K Application period begins—families submit applications at schools
- March 4 Deadline to submit a K application
- March 21-25 Families notified about assignment offers
- March 28 – April 15 Pre-registration at schools
- Update on EIS Hearings for Moving PS 151 to 421 East 88 Street and for Moving Richard R. Green School to 26 Broadway
- Update on 2nd Teacher/Aid in the classroom.
- Future Meeting Dates/
- Discussion on changing our regular meeting date from the Fourth Monday of the Month
- February: Thursday, February 10, NY Blood Center, 7 PM Linda Janneh from DA about summer intern program Speaker from the DOE on enrollment procedures for September 2011
- March Meeting and Date:
- Old/New Business
James Clynes and Judith Schneider, Co-Chairs