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February 2014 – Land Use
February 12, 2014 @ 6:30 pm EST
- Public Hearing: BSA Application, Calendar No. 3-14-BZ, CEQR No. 14-BSA-096M, Saint David School, 12-22 East 89th Street, Block 1500, Lot 62 –The proposed action will facilitate the adaptive re-use and conversion to school use “Graham House” (18-22 East 89th Street) and the enlargement of 16 East 89th Street, which is one of three townhouses (the other two being 12 and 14 East 89th Street) presently housing Saint David School.
- Public Hearing: BSA Application, Calendar No. 323-13-BZ, 127 East 71st Street, Block 1406, Lot 12-Application to request a special permit pursuant to ZR Section 73-621 to vary ZR 23-145 (lot coverage) to permit the proposed alteration, which will enlarge the footprint and include a vertical enlargement at the rear portion of the existing four story, plus cellar and basement building.
- Public Hearing: BSA Special Order Application, Calendar No. 173-92-BZ, 220 East 86th Street, Block 1531, Lot 38-Application to extend the term of a special permit granted pursuant to ZR 73-36, that permits a physical cultural establishment (martial arts studio) on the second floor of the building located in a C2-8A zoning district. PCE was approved in 1994 and 2004.
- Update by Cornell/NYC Tech on Central Utilities Plant and final design approval of First Academic Building located on Roosevelt Island
- Old Business
- New Business
Nicholas D. Viest, Chair