Transportation Committee
Wednesday, September 1, 2021 - 6:30 PM
This meeting will be conducted via Zoom
MINUTES: September 2021 Transportation Committee Minutes
A livestream of this meeting can be found here .
Discussion of NYS Senate Bill S7296 regarding the leaving of the scene of an accident involving an electric scooter or bicycle with an electric assist system without reporting. Legislative details .
RESOLUTION: Support for NY Senate Bill S7296
Updates from Revel
Application from HJ Opco, LLC for drop-offs at three shared bus stops.
1081 Lexington Avenue - 6 daily drop-offs, Mon-Sun 7:10AM - 8:10PM
954 Lexington Avenue - 6 daily drop-offs, Mon-Sun 7:40AM - 9:10PM
1375 Third Avenue - 6 daily drop-offs, Mon-Sun 7:15AM - 8:15PM
Discussion of NYC Council Int. 2385-2021 establishing a photo noise violation monitoring device program for motor vehicles. Legislative details.
Bike Licensing/Registration & Proposed State Legislation regarding Bike Safety
Senate Bill S7204 establishing a bicycle and electric scooter operator's safety manual and licensing requirement.
Legislative details.
Senate Bill S7206 requiring license plates for bicycles, bicycles for electric assist and electric scooters.
Legislative details .
Updates from the NYC DOT
Old Business
New Business
Craig M. Lader and Charles S. Warren, Co-Chairs