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Street Life Committee
September 5, 2017 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm EDT
- Renewal Applications to the Department of Consumer Affairs and/or Department of City Planning for a Sidewalk Cafe:
- a. Three Star on First, Inc., dba Three Star Diner, 1462 First Avenue (76th/77th)-Renewal application for an enclosed sidewalk café with 12 tables and 32 chairs. DCA#1219509-DCA, Due Date September 30, 2017.
- Transfer/Alteration/Corporate Changes/Upgrade Applications to the New York State Liquor Authority for Liquor Licenses:
- a. 7 Just One Corp., dba Iggy’s New York City, 1452 Second Avenue (75th/76th)-Corporate change application for Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider
- b. EP Properties Ltd., dba Per Lei, 1347 Second Avenue (@71st)-Corporate change application for Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider
- Renewal Applications to the New York State Liquor Authority for Liquor Licenses:
- a. 60th Street LLC dba The Jeffrey, 311 East 60th Street (1st/2nd)-Renewal application for Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider
- b. Macc Hospitality LLC dba The Drunken Munkey, 338 East 92nd Street (1st/2nd)-Renewal application for Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider
- New Applications to the New York State Liquor Authority for Liquor Licenses:
- a. AGA NYC Corp., dba Senso, 345 East 62nd Street (1st/2nd)-New application for a Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider
- Newsstands:
- a. Newsstand Application No. 10503-2017-ANWS-New newsstand application for the N/W/C of Third Avenue and East 83rd Street-Due Date September 21, 2017
- b. Newsstand Application No. 1154-2017-ANWS-New newsstand application for the S/W/C of Second Avenue and East 86th Street-Due Date October 11, 2017
- Layovers/Withdraws:
- a. Anand Restaurant NYC Inc., dba Anand Indian Cuisine, 304 East 78th Street (1st/2nd)-New application for Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider-Laid over to October
Abraham Salcedo, Chair