- Introductions
- Further Discussion of proposed Department of Education (DOE) re-zoning plan for PS 151, 158 and 290.
- Updates on Hearings and Meetings
- Comments/Discussion on November 8 CECD2 Meeting—DOE presentation of Final Re-zoning Plan
- Updates:
- Panel on Educational Policy Meeting Thursday, November 17 at 6:00PM, Frank Sinatra School of the Arts, 35-12 35th Avenue, Queens, NY on
- PS 267; PS 51; Co-locating a zoned school with PS 51 for 1 year
- Play Street OLGC School Bldg at 323 East 91st Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues
- Utilization of future vacant space at PS 158
- Construction for New Schools PS 59/PS267 and PS 51
- Future Meeting Dates:
- December 12: Items for discussion/Will we meet in December?
- January 9: 2nd Teacher/Aid in the classroom.
- February 13 or March 12: Mariano Guzman District Superintendent on new Core Curriculum
- May 14: Presentation by Jamie Smarr, NYC DOE on New PS 59 and Art & Design High School
- Old/New Business
NOTE:Please check CB8M.COM website. Go to Committees on menu bar and scroll down to Youth & Education. Click on that and scroll down:
- Community Updates--1st Map shown is the proposed zoning change & 2nd Map is the Current zoning.
- Minutes will show prior meetings if you were unable to attend a meeting.
James Clynes and Judith Schneider, Co-Chairs