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November 2011 – Full Board Meeting
November 16, 2011 @ 6:30 pm EST
- Public Session – Those who wish to speak during the Public Session must register to do so by 6:45 pm
- Public Hearing: N 120090 ZRY; (E) designations Text Amendment-The Department of City Planning is proposing a citywide text amendment to update provisions related to the (E) Designation Program. In addition to clarifying the text and removing obsolete provisions from Zoning Resolution Section 11-15 (Environment Requirements) originally established in 1983, the proposed modifications would remove duplicative zoning provisions concerning the (E) Program in the Special Districts. The proposed modifications would also streamline the administration of the (E) Program, result in increased transparency and easier tracking of hazardous materials, air quality and noise environmental requirements, and enhance existing enforcement mechanisms. The department has worked in cooperation with the city agencies that have a role in the (E) Program, including the Department of Environment Protection (DEP), the Office of Environmental Remediation (OER), which administers the (E) program as successor to DEP for this purpose, and the Department of Buildings, which enforces the Zoning Resolution. A more streamlined and predictable land use and environmental review process will benefit land use practitioners, property owners, the public and city agencies. This action is not subject to the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP).
- Adoption of the Agenda
- Approval of the Minutes
- Manhattan Borough President’s Report
- Elected Official’s Reports
- Chair’s Report – Jackie Ludorf
- Election of Community Board 8 Officers
- Committee Reports and Action Items:
- Street Life Committee-Cos Spagnoletti and Nicholas Viest, Co-Chairs
- Transportation Committee-Jonathan Horn and Charles Warren, Co-Chairs
- Parks Committee-Margaret Price and Barbara Rudder, Co-Chairs
- Landmarks Committee-David Liston and Jane Parshall, Co-Chairs
- Youth and Education Committee-Jim Clynes and Judith Schneider, Co-Chairs
- Old Business
- New Business
Jacqueline Ludorf, Chair