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June 2013 – Full Board Meeting
June 19, 2013 @ 5:30 pm EDT
- 5:30pm: Prior to the Full Board meeting there will be a review of postings and how CB8M communicates meetings to the public
- Public Session – Those who wish to speak during the Public Session must register to do so by 6:45 pm
- Public Hearing: Flood Resilience Zoning Text Amendment-The application would enable new and existing buildings throughout designated flood zones to meet the latest federal standards for flood-resistant construction, and to mitigate potential negative effects of flood-resistant construction on the streetscape and public realm.
- Public Hearing: Revisions to the Waterfront Revitalization Program (N120212NPY) Modification to the Draft Costal Zone Boundary-The proposed revisions are currently under review at the City Planning Commission pursuant to the Rules for Processing of Plans Pursuant to Charter Section 197-a and are expected to be adopted in the new future. There are certain changes in the locations within the Community District to which the revised WRP will apply, resulting from modification to the City’s Coastal Zone Boundary in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
- Informational Presentation by the Office of Emergency Management- on the latest information about the City’s new hurricane evacuation zone map, which now includes six evacuation zones. In addition, preparing for the possibility of storms like Hurricanes Sandy and Irene, also readies households for other potential emergencies, such as fires, utility outages, and water main breaks, among others.
- Adoption of the Agenda
- Adoption of the Minutes
- Manhattan Borough President’s Report
- Elected Official’s Reports
- Chair’s Report – Nick Viest
- Committee Reports and Action Items:
- Parks Committee-Margaret Price and Barbara Rudder, Co-Chairs
- Youth and Education Committee-Hattie Quarnstrom and Judith Schneider, Co-Chairs
- Second Avenue Subway Task Force-Jim Clynes and Barry Schneider, Co Chairs
- Landmarks Committee-David Helpern and David Liston, Co-Chairs
- Transportation Committee-A. Scott Falk and Charles Warren, Co-Chairs
- Street Life Committee-Domenico Minerva and Cos Spagnoletti, Co-Chairs
- Old Business
- New Business-Borough Board resolution in support of NYS Senate Bill S3075 and NYS Assembly Bill A5356 and Borough Board resolution in support of NYS Senate Bill S3077 and NYS Assembly Bill A6073
Nicholas D. Viest, Chair