Presentation by Council Member Keith Powers and Chris Carroll, Policy Director to the Manhattan Borough President, discussing the adverse impacts of scaffolding on our streetscape and the proposed package of legislation to address the proliferation of sidewalk sheds on our streets.
Introduction 970 will establish new design requirements for scaffolding, such as allowing the structures to be painted in several different colors and raising their minimum height to 12 feet, as well as creating alternatives to scaffolding.
Introduction 972 will create timelines for the removal of scaffolding if no active construction is taking place over an extended period of time. Instead, the City would be allowed to step in and correct unsafe conditions on building facades, and then bill the property owner.
Introduction 973 will allow newly constructed buildings to have their first facade examination take place in 8 years instead of 5 since they use safer materials. It would also require the Department of Buildings to coordinate inspections on the same block so facade repairs happen simultaneously.
Introduction 971 will protect our tree cover. It will require any trees that are damaged or removed when setting up equipment to be repaired or replaced within 6 months.
Introduction 452 will allow the City to establish a pilot program to use drones, in conjunction with physical examinations, for the inspection of building faces.
Introduction 954 protects our city’s green spaces by requiring scaffolding to avoid obstructing playgrounds and parks. Scaffolding in these areas would have to be a minimum of 12 feet high and avoid use of cross-bracing.
Introduction 955 makes scaffolding brighter and safer - especially at night - by updating lighting requirements to LED lights that have at least 90 lumens per watt as opposed to the current 45.
Introduction 956 establishes penalties for property owners who fail to apply for a work permit within 6 months of installing scaffolding.
Introduction 966 requires the Department of Buildings to inspect scaffolding every six months and issue an administrative fee per inspection.
Discussion of proposed "5G" Street Pole Attachments located within 10 feet of an adjacent building on East 85th Street between 5th Avenue and Madison Avenue