Youth, Education, and Libraries Committee
Monday, December 21, 2020 - 6:30 PM
This meeting will be conducted via Zoom
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MINUTES: December Youth, Education, and Libraries Minutes
A livestream of this meeting can be found here.
Special Guest Speaker: Andrew Fletcher, Director, DOE Universal Literacy
The focus is on Pre-K/3-K and Primary Education, with the objective: every New York kid reads at the 3rd grade level by 3rd grade.This is based on the fundamental educational principle that: 'Up to third grade, kids learn to read. After third grade, kids read to learn...'.We are inviting speakers from the DOE to speak on this subject - to understand how the DOE Universal Literacy Program works in our CB8 district, and how we as the CB8 community can support this important work.
- Early Literacy Resources on - https:// student-journey/grade-by- grade/early-childhood- learning/early-literacy- resources - Universal Literacy information on the InfoHub - https://infohub. programs/universal-literacy - “Year 2 Evaluation Summary Report SY 2017-18” (also found via link on the page noted above) -
docs/default-source/default- document-library/ulit_ y2evalsummaryreport_sy2017-18_ final.pdf - Test Results -
reports/academics/test-results - Robert Slavin/tutoring -
Peter Patch, Chair