The City of New York
Community Board 8 Manhattan
Landmarks Committee
Monday, January 13, 2020 – 6:30PM
Marymount Manhattan College, Regina Peruggi Room
221 East 71st Street (between 2nd and 3rd Avenues)
MINUTES: January 2020 Landmarks Committee Minutes
- 1109 Fifth Avenue (between Fifth Avenue and Madison Avenue) – Expanded Carnegie Hill Historic District- Walter B. Melvin Architects – Chateauesque style Individual Landmark originally designed by Charles Pierrepont H. Gilbert between 1906 and 1908 with an additional building built by Roche of Dinkeloo and Associates between 1988 and 1993. Application for an exterior art installation of artist Lawrence Weiner scheduled for March 2020 that will last approximately four months.
- Pre-Submission Materials
- 3 East 89th Street (between FifthAvenue and Madison Avenue) - Expanded Carnegie Hill Historic District-Jay Bargmann, Rafael Vinoly Architects-Neo Renaissance style residence originally designed by Ogden Codman and constructed between 1913 and 1915. Application for extensive restoration of brick and limestone facades, wood windows, ironwork, rooftop, and rear-yard additions.
- Pre-Submission Materials
- 3 East 89th Street Resolution
- Old Business
- New Business
David Helpern and Jane Parshall, Co-Chairs