- Public Session – Those who wish to speak during the Public Session must register to do so by 6:45 pm
- Public Hearing: BSA Special Order Calendar No. 75-95-BZ, 1635 Third Avenue-Application to extend the term of a previously granted special permit allowing the operation of a physical culture establishment/health club (PCE) New York Sports Club at the subject premises. The original application was filed under ZR Section 73-36 to allow a variation of ZR Section 32-00.
- Public Hearing: BSA Special Order Calendar No. 2016-4240-BZ, 1231 Third Avenue-Application to allow the operation of a physical culture establishment/health club New York Sports club on a portion of the first floor and cellar of the subject premises.
- Adoption of the Agenda
- Adoption of the Minutes
- Manhattan Borough President’s Report
- Elected Officials’ Reports
- District Manager’s Report-Latha Thompson
- Chair’s Report – Jim Clynes
- Selection of Nominating Committee
- Committee Reports and Action Items:
- a. Parks and Recreation Committee-Susan Evans and Margaret Price, Co-Chairs
- b. Street Life Committee-Larry Parnes and Abraham Salcedo, Co-Chairs
- c. Transportation Committee-A. Scott Falk and Charles Warren, Co-Chairs
- d. Budget Committee-Barbara Chocky, Chair
- e. Street Fair Committee-Barbara Chocky and Lorraine Johnson, Co-Chairs
- f. Landmarks Committee-David Helpern and Jane Parshall, Co-Chairs
James G. Clynes, Chairman