- Public Session – Those who wish to speak during the Public Session must register to do so by 6:45 pm·
- Public Hearing: BSA Calendar No. 225-15-BZ, CEQR No. 16-BSA-O33M, 126-134 East 78th Street, The Allen Stevenson School-The proposed action will facilitate the adaptive re-use and enlargement of the East and West Townhouses and interior renovations to the Schools Main Building necessary to (1) provide for modern educational facilities for the school; (2) allow for more efficient use of and adjacencies within the existing facilities and space within the newly acquired West Townhouse; and (3) accommodate additional art classrooms which are essential to School’s Visual Arts program
- http://cb8m.com/updates/bsa-225-15-bz-allen-stevenson-school-126-134-east-78th-street
- Adoption of the Agenda
- Adoption of the Minutes
- Committee Reports and Action Items:
- a. Street Fair Committee-Barbara Chocky and Hedi White, Co-Chairs
- b. Transportation Committee-A. Scott Falk and Charles Warren, Co-Chairs
- c. Landmarks Committee-David Helpern and Jane Parshall, Co-Chairs d.
- d. Parks & Recreation Committee-Susan Evans and Margaret Price, Co-Chairs
- Election of Community Board 8 Officers
- Chair-James Clynes
- First Vice-Chair-Scott Falk
- Second Vice-Chair-Deborah Teitelbaum
- Secretary-Susan Evans
- Secretary-Glen Pandolfino
- Manhattan Borough President’s Report
- Elected Officials’ Reports
- Chair’s Report – Jim Clynes
- District Manager’s Report-Latha Thompson
James G. Clynes, Chairman