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November 2014 – Land Use Meeting
November 12, 2014 @ 6:30 pm EST
- Public Hearing: BSA Cal No. 260-14-BZ, 100 East End Avenue, Block 1581, Lot 23, The Chapin School-Application pursuant to Section 72-21 of the Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, as amended to request a variance to permit the construction of a three-story enlargement to the existing school at the premises, which is contrary to the previously-approved plans, floor area, rear yard, height and setback requirements.
- Public Hearing: BSA Application, Calendar No. 323-13-BZ, 127 East 71st Street, Block 1406, Lot 12-Application to request a special permit pursuant to ZR Section 73-621 to vary ZR 23-145 (lot coverage) to permit the proposed alteration, which will enlarge the footprint and include a vertical enlargement at the rear portion of the existing four story, plus cellar and basement building. This item was laid over from the February 2014 Land Use meeting.
- Street Life Committee
- Old Business
- New Business
Nicholas Viest, Chair