- Public Hearing re: Applications for Single-block Street Fairs for Calendar Year 2017
- All Souls Church to close East 80th Street between Lexington and Third Avenues on Thursday, June 1, 2017 from 12Noon to 7PM for a Block Party
- Local 46 Metallic Lathers Union to close East 76th Street between Lexington and Second Avenues on Saturday, September 9, 2017 from 9AM to 6PM for a Block Party
- Birch Wathen Lenox to close East 77th Street between Second and Third Avenues on Friday, September 15, 2017 from 9AM to 4:30PM for a Block Party
- The Brearley School to close East 83rd Street between East End Avenue and FDR Drive on Saturday, September 16, 2017 from 9AM to 4PM for a Block Party
- The Brearley School to close East 83rd Street between East End Avenue and FDR Drive on Sunday, September 17, 2017 from 9AM to 4PM for a Block Party
- Birch Wathen Lenox to close East 77th Street between Second and Third Avenues on Friday, October 13, 2017 from 9AM to 4:30PM for a Block Party
- A discussion on allowing the District Manager to approve religious ceremony applications without board approval
- Old Business
- New Business
Barbara Chocky and Lorraine Johnson, Co-Chairs