- A request for a new Revocable Consent to install a chair lift, steps and landing at 1442 First Avenue. (Requested by DOT, Division of Franchises, Concessions and Consents)
- Continued discussion of painted Crosstown Bicycle Lanes (with no removal of parking spaces or vehicular travel lanes). The Committee will consider alternative options alongside the original DOT proposal on the following three corridors:
- Corridor A:
- East 67th Street & East 68th Street (original DOT proposal)
- East 70th Street & East 71st Street (alternative option)
- Corridor B:
- East 77th Street & East 78th Street (original DOT proposal)
- East 75th Street & East 76th Street (alternative option)
- Corridor C:
- East 84th Street & East 85th Street (original DOT proposal)
- East 81st Street & East 82nd Street (alternative option)
- Old Business
- New Business
Scott Falk and Charles Warren, Co-Chairs