- Linda Janneh from the District Attorney’s Office about their summer intern program
- Sam Stein, CB8 intern, and his participation in the re-zoning process
- PS 158 and the future use for former East Side Middle School space
- Update on 2nd Teacher/Aid in the classroom.
- Future Meeting Dates
- Please Note; Change of Meeting Date to the Second Monday of the Month
- April 11, 2011 (Monday) 7 PM – Jamie Smarr, DOE, on up-date for PS 59 and Art &Design High School May 9, 2011 (Monday)
- Old/New Business
- City Council Hearing on Education Budget at 2, 250 Broadway, 16th Floor Expense Budget at 10 am and CAPITAL BUDGET at 2 pm
- Pre-Kindergarten Admission
- CEC openings
James Clynes and Judith Schneider, Co-Chairs