- 22 East 80th Street-(between Fifth and Madison Avenues)-Metropolitan Museum Historic District – Nuria Forques Puigcerver, architect- Brownstone residence designed by Charles Graham & Sons and constructed in 1887-88. Application for window replacement and installation of a glass rail at the front façade.
- 1318 Madison Avenue-(between 93rd and 94th Streets)-Carnegie Hill Historic District-Jock deBoer, architect-Renaissance Revival style rowhouse designed by Gilbert A. Schellenger and constructed in 1889-90. Application for a one story rear extension, removal of a front awning and installing air conditioning in the rear of the building.
- 944 Park Avenue-(between 81st and 82nd Streets)-Park Avenue Historic District-Anderson Kenny, architect-Art Deco style apartment building designed by George F. Pelham and constructed in 1929-30. Application to enlarge two rear façade windows.
- 9 East 75th, 11 East 75th and 13 East 75th Street-(between Fifth and Madison Avenues)-Upper East Side Historic District-Steven Wang, Architect, 3 Queen Anne style residences originally designed by William E. Mowbray and constructed in 1887-89; 11 E. 75th reconstructed in Neo-Federal Style (1923) and 9 E. 75th St. reconstructed in 1951 (No-style). Application to replace façade of 9 E.75th Street and alter 11 & 13 E. 75th St. street and all rear facades to create new single family residence.
- 55 East 84th Street-(between Park and Madison Avenues)-Regis High School-Individual Landmark-Ernest Harris, architect-stone high school building designed by Maginnis & Walsh and constructed in 1913-17. Application to install banners.
- New Business
- Old Business
David Helpern and Jane Parshall – Co-Chairs, Landmarks Committee