Landmarks Committee
Monday, October 15, 2018 – 6:30PM
Marymount Manhattan College – Regina Peruggi Room
221 East 71st Street (2nd and 3rd)
Minutes: 10.15.2018 Landmarks Committee Minutes
PLEASE NOTE: When evaluating Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness, the Landmarks Committee of Community Board 8M ONLY considers the appropriateness of the proposal to the architecture of the building and, in the case of a building within an Historic District, the appropriateness of the proposal to the character of that Historic District. All testimony should be related to such appropriateness. The Committee recommends a Resolution to the full Community Board, which votes on a Resolution to be sent to the Landmarks Preservation Commission. These Resolutions are advisory; the decision of the Landmarks Preservation Commission is binding.
Applicants and members of the public who are interested in the issues addressed are invited, but not required, to attend the Full Board meeting on Wednesday, October 17, 2018, New York Blood Center 310 East 67th Street, Auditorium – at 6:30PM. They may testify for up to three minutes in the Public Session, which they must sign up for no later than 6:45PM. Members of the Board will discuss the items in executive session; if a member of the public wishes a comment made or a question asked at this time, he or she must ask a Board Member to do it.
- 20 East 95th Street (between Madison and Fifth Avenues) – Expanded Carnegie Hill Historic District Joan Humphreys, ARCitecture– Renaissance Revival style rowhouses designed by Henry Andersen and constructed in 1899. Application is for new masonry openings at the rear façade, top floor.
- 20 East 95th Street Presentation
- 781 Fifth Avenue (Delvaux, between East 59th and East 60th Streets) – Upper East Side Historic District Mattia Monti and Paolo Casero, Valerio Inc. – A neo-Romanesque and neo-Gothic style hotel building designed by Schultze & Weaver and Buchman & Kahn and built in 1926-27. Application is for the storefront awning and enclosed window displays.
- 781 Fifth Avenue Presentation
- 110 East 71st Street (between Lexington and Park Avenues) – Upper East Side Historic District (Silvia Schlaen, Architect, SRS Architect, PC) – A neo-Federal style building designed by Hill & Stout and built in 1916-17. Application is for the removal of existing 5th floor marble cornice and supporting brackets, and the installation of a marble cornice replica.
- 110 East 71st Street Pre-Submission
- 44 East 67th Street (between Park and Madison Avenues) – Upper East Side Historic District (Amelie Rennolds, Architect, Amelie Rives Rennolds Architecture, PLLC) – An Art Deco style building designed by Rosario Candela and built in 1940-41. Application is for the installation of a canopy at the south elevation of the Penthouse C terrace.
- 44 East 67th Street Presentation
- Old Business
- New Business
David Helpern and Jane Parshall, Co-Chairs