- Public Session – Those who wish to speak during the Public Session must register to do so by 6:45 pm
- a. Public Hearing: ULURP Application 160213ZSM, 1290 Madison Avenue-Application for a special permit pursuant to Section 74-711 of the NYC Zoning Resolution. Applicant seeks to modify (1) the height limit regulations of 23-692 (2) the street wall recess regulations of Section 99-052 (3) the side yard requirements of Section 35-52 (4) the inner court regulations in Section 23-85 to facilitate the renovation and enlargement of an existing six story plus penthouse residential building with ground floor retail space. The site is located within a C1-5/R10 zoning district, the Special Madison Avenue Preservation District and the Carnegie Hill Historic District. (ULURP Application Materials, 160213ZSM, 1290 Madison Avenue)
- b. Public Hearing: BSA Cal. No. 66-96-BZ, Epiphany Community Nursery School, 510 East 74th Street, Block 1485, Lot 45-Application to extend the term of a Special Permit per Section 73-19 ZR to permit a day care center school, use group 3 in an M1-4 zoning district.(Application Materials)
- c. Public Hearing: BSA Cal. No. 303-05-BZ, 428 East 75th Street, Block 1469, Lot 36-Application pursuant to ZR 72-01 and ZR 72-22 seeking an extension of term and an amendment of a previous BSA grant that permitted the legalization of a physical establishment (American Youth Dance Theatre). The term will expire on August 8, 2016 and the application seeks a ten year extension. The amendment seeks to legalize the facility’s expansion onto the first floor of the building and to legalize the change in operator.(Application Materials)
- d. Informational Presentation on the temporary relocation of Ladder 13/Battalion 10
- e. Informational Presentation by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
- Adoption of the Agenda
- Adoption of the Minutes
- Manhattan Borough President’s Report
- Elected Officials’ Reports
- District Manager’s Report-Latha Thompson
- Chair’s Report – Jim Clynes
- Committee Reports and Action Items:
- a. Parks and Recreation Committee-Susan Evans and Margaret Price, Co-Chairs
- b. Street Life Committee-Larry Parnes and Abraham Salcedo, Co-Chairs
- c. Transportation Committee-A. Scott Falk and Charles Warren, Co-Chairs
- d. Budget Committee-Barbara Chocky, Chair
- e. Street Fair Committee-Barbara Chocky and Lorraine Johnson, Co-Chairs
- f. Landmarks Committee-David Helpern and Jane Parshall, Co-Chairs
This Building Closes at 9:30pm. We must finish our meeting before 9:30pm. Thank you
James G. Clynes, Chairman