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January 2010 – Land Use Meeting
January 13, 2010 @ 6:30 pm EST
- Residential Streetscape Preservation Text Amendment-CEQR No. 10DCP013Y, ULURP No. N100139ZRY-The application by the NYC Department of City Planning for a city-wide text amendment to clar-ify, revise, and introduce new regulations to preserve and enhance the streetscape character or residential neighborhoods. The proposed amendment aims to meet a number of goals with regard to front-yard planting, parking allowances and requirements, curb cuts, and open space in residential districts. In addition, the proposal responds to a recent court decision regarding the applicability of the word “development” and its effect on resi-dential parking and planting rules. The proposal also fills the gaps in the existing regulations by establishing curb cut rules in districts where none exist. The text amendment includes revisions primarily to the following ZR Sections: 23-451, 25-621, 23-44, 25-633, 25-631, 36-532, 28-50, 13-551, 13-553, 25-211, 25-64. The text amendment will generally apply to all residential districts in the city in all of its 59 community districts.
- Street Life Committee
- Old Business
- New Business
Jacqueline Ludorf, Chair