Housing Committee
Wednesday, March 24, 2021 - 6:30 PM
This meeting will be conducted via Zoom
MINUTES: March 2021 Housing Committee Minutes
A livestream of this meeting can be found here.
- Presentation by Jessica Katz, Executive Director of Citizens Housing and Planning Council on the NYC Planning, "Net Changes in Housing Units 2010-2020 Report" (6:30-7:15 pm) - Based on article: https://patch.com/new-york/upper-east-side-nyc/upper-east-side-barely-added-housing-2010-new-study-finds
- Old Business: (7:15-7:45 pm)
- Follow-up on Housing/Zoning: Part L of the New York State Executive Budget FY 2022
- Follow-up on Residential tenant eviction moratorium and other tenant-related issues (from November meeting)
- New Business: (7:45-8 pm)
- Midtown South Coalition on Homelessness and Housing
- Normandie Court Project
Barbara Chocky, Ed Hartzog, and Gregory Morris, Co-Chairs