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April 2011 – Full Board Meeting
April 13, 2011 @ 6:30 pm EDT
- Public Session – Those who wish to speak during the Public Session must register to do so by 6:45 pm
- Public Hearing: BSA Calendar No. 307-81-BZ; 50 East 69th Street –An application has been filed with the Board of Standards and Appeals for an Extension of the term of a previously approved and extended variance, pursuant to Section 72-21 of the Zoning Resolution, which permitted, in an R8B district, in a five story and penthouse building, medical office use on all floors except the owner’s residential penthouse. The building has been continuously occupied since 1981 by the Center for Specialty Care which has its plastic surgery practice in the building.
- Adoption of the Agenda
- Adoption of the February Land Use-Full Board Minutes
- Manhattan Borough President’s Report
- Elected Official’s Reports
- Chair’s Report – Jackie Ludorf
- Committee Reports and Action Items:
- Rules and Bylaws Committee-Helene Simon and Hedi White, Co-Chairs
- Street Life Committee-Cos Spagnoletti and Nick Viest, Co-Chairs
- Transportation Committee-Jonathan Horn and Charles Warren, Co-Chairs
- Parks Committee-Margaret Price and Barbara Rudder, Co-Chairs
- Landmarks Committee-David Liston and Jane Parshall, Co-Chairs
- Youth and Education Committee-Jim Clynes and Judith Schneider, Co-Chairs
- Budget Committee-Roy Carlin and Barbara Chocky, Co-Chairs
- Old Business
- New Business
Jacqueline Ludorf, Chair