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Landmarks Committee

November 18, 2024 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm EST

Landmarks Committee
Monday, November 18, 2024 - 6:30 PM
This meeting was conducted via Zoom

MINUTES: November 2024 Landmarks Committee Minutes


  1. 823 & 825 Madison Avenue (Upper East Side Historic District)Kenneth Park Architects – A neo-Federal building originally designed by Lamb & Wheeler and constructed in 1880, with a façade alteration designed by S. Edson Gage in 1926, and the current retail façade having been designed by Page Cowley Architects and approved by LPC in 2013. Application is for an alteration to the façade at the first and second floors and a replacement of storefront infill.
    1. 823 & 825 Madison Avenue Presubmission Materials
    2. 823 & 825 Madison Avenue Presentation
    3. 823 & 825 Madison Avenue Resolution
  2. 132 & 134 East 64th Street (Upper East Side Historic District)Andreas Tomarides – A no-style building designed by James Ware and constructed in 1878, with an alteration in 1930. Application is to combine two houses at the interior, install a stoop and restore the parlor-floor entrance at 134 East 64th Street, install a new basement-level entrance at 132 East 64th Street, reface both houses in stucco to replicate original decorative details, but in a limestone color, construct a rooftop addition that is occupiable space and a bulkhead, alter the rear façade at the basement and parlor floors, and excavate the cellar.
    1. 132 & 134 East 64th Street Presentation
    2. 132 & 134 East 64th Street Resolution
  3. Presentation from Docomomo US regarding an Request for Evaluation (RFE) Proposal to the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission for an Interior Landmark Designation of 945 Madison Avenue (Breuer Building, former Whitney Museum).
    1. Whitney Interiors RFE
    2. WhitneyCB8Nov18Final
    3. 945 Madison Avenue Resolution
  4. Old Business
  5. New Business

Anthony Cohn and David Helpern, Co-Chairs


November 18, 2024
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm EST
Event Category: