Vendors Committee
Thursday, January 30, 2020 - 6:30PM
Ramaz School
125 East 85th Street (Park/Lex)
Heyman Auditorium
MINUTES: Vendors Committee Minutes
- Discussion of New York Senate Bill S6817 in relation to the regulation of street vending and NYC Int. 1116 in relation to expanding the availability of food vendor permits, creating an office of street vendor enforcement, and establishing a street vendor advisory board
- Text of NYS Bill S6817
- State Bill 6817 - Resolution
- Text of NYC Int. 1116
- City Intro 1116 - Resolution
- Community commentary on the impact of street vending on it's quality of life. We welcome all members of the community to attend and share their thoughts.
- Old Business
- New Business
Michele Birnbaum and Marco Tamayo, Co-Chairs