197-A Queensboro Bridge Area Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
A. Scott Falk, Chair
Matt Bondy Judith Schneider-Public Member
Sharon Pope
Margaret Price
Barbara Rudder
M. Barry Schneider
Hedi White
91st Street De-mapping Task Force
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The 91st Street De-mapping Task Force was formed, pursuant to a September 2014 resolution of CB8M, to find a way via demapping or other mechanism, to protect the pedestrian mall on 91st St. between Second-Third Avenues, closed to traffic since the mid-1970s as part of a Large Scale Residential Development approved by the City Planning Commission in 1971 with boundaries coincident with the Ruppert Brewery Urban Renewal Area, from ever being reopened as a city street.
Rita Popper and David Rosenstein, Co-Chairs
Ad-Hoc Committees and Task Forces:
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
Please click on links below this link(s) to see the Ad-Hoc Committees
Budget Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The Budget Committee has three major functions. First, the Committee reviews the Mayor's annual Executive Budget and makes recommendations for additions or modifications. Second, after holding public hearings, the Committee compiles a list of expense and capital priorities. These recommendations are then voted on by the full board and presented to city officials. Third, the Committee develops the Board's internal budget within the guidelines set by city officials.
Barbara Chocky, Chair
Scott Falk
Jacqueline Ludorf
Peter Patch
Communications Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The Communications Committee supports the Chairperson of CB8M in communicating the Board's activities to the outside world. It prepares a monthly Communications Committee report and produces and moderates “CB8 Speaks”, a monthly cable TV show that appears on public access TV (Manhattan Neighborhood Network) on Time Warner's channel 34, RCN's Ch. 82, FiOS' Ch. 33, online at when broadcast and thereafter on the Internet 24/7 at: The Committee also prepares, for the members of the Board, a monthly summary of new coverage of issues relevant to the Board's responsibilities and activities.
David Rosenstein and William Sanchez, Co-Chairs
Sophia James
Allison Kopf
David Liston
Public Member-Monica Sanchez
CUNY-MSK Task Force
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
CUNY-MSK Task Force Committee
Nicholas D. Viest, Chair
Elizabeth Ashby
A. Scott Falk
Edward Hartzog
Margaret Price
Barbara Rudder
M. Barry Schneider
Marco Tamayo
Elaine Walsh
Environment And Sanitation Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The Environment and Sanitation Committee reviews issues affecting the physical welfare of the citizens of the community such as concerns pertaining to the water supply infrastructure and the proposed marine transfer station at East 91st Street. This committee meets on an as needed basis.
Abraham Salcedo and Cos Spagnoletti, Co-Chairs
Edward Hartzog
Craig Lader
Ellen Polivy
Full Board
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
Health, Seniors and Social Services Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The HSSS Committee addresses issues affecting the physical and social well-being of our community’s residents and the institutions that serve them.
David Liston and Jacqueline Ludorf, Co-Chair
Lorraine Johnson
Glen Pandolfino
Ellen Polivy
Hattie Quarnstrom-Figueroa
Barbara Rudder
Public Member - Jeffrey A. Ascherman
Housing Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The Housing Committee provides a forum where constituents can become familiar with issues such as rent control, senior housing and Mitchell-Lama housing.
Edward Hartzog, Chair
Matt Bondy
Loraine Brown
Ellen Polivy
Rita Popper
Public Member - Posie Di Sesa
Land Use Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The Land Use Committee is a committee of the entire board that reviews, amongst other items, all applications for changes in zoning. The Land Use Committee meets on the second Wednesday of every month and attendance at this meeting is mandatory. As noted, the Land Use Committee is a Committee of the whole and therefore also reviews the activities of other committees.
Landmarks Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The Landmarks Committee of Community Board 8 reviews Certificate of Appropriateness applications, designations, and related matters for the individual landmarks and buildings within the six historic districts in the Board 8 area. This committee meets every month on the Monday before the Full Board meeting, unless otherwise noted.
David Helpern and Jane Parshall – Co-Chairs
Elizabeth Ashby
Michele Birnbaum
Sarah Chu
Christina R. Davis
Susan Evans
David Liston
Marco Tamayo
Marine Transfer Station Task Force
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
Abraham Salcedo and Cos Spagnoletti, Co-Chairsr
Craig Lader
Minutes, Agendas and Updates of Former Cornell Tech Task Force
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
Links Above Are To The Minutes, Agendas And Updates Of Former Cornell Tech Task Force
Nicholas D. Viest and James Clynes, Co-Chairs
Jeffrey Escobar
Scott Falk
Laurence Parnes
Ellen Polivy
Judy Schneider
Ad-Hoc Committees and Task Forces:
The Borough President’s Immigrant Rights Task Force – Sarah Chu and James G. Clynes
The Borough President’s Borough Board - Nicholas Viest
Hunter College Neighborhood Advisory Committee – Jacqueline Ludorf
Metropolitan Hospital Center Advisory Board – Jacqueline Ludorf
New York-Presbyterian Hospital Community Advisory Board – M. Barry Schneider
East Midtown Partnership BID - Matt Bondy and William Sanchez
Madison Avenue BID –Christina Davis
The Borough President’s Task Force on Education –Edward Hartzog
Second Avenue Business Association - Rita Popper
Borough Construction Watch - Will Sanchez
91st Street De-Mapping Task Force – Rita Popper and David Rosenstein
Cornell Tech Construction and Community Task Force – Laurence Parnes
Parks and Recreation Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The Parks and Recreation Committee represents and promotes the interests of parks. The committee reviews all plans for restoration of area parks, assists park neighbors in securing funding for work and restorations, hears complaints regarding use and abuse of parks, works with police to aid security and raises the public's awareness of the importance of our parkland. The Parks and Recreation Committee meets on the first Thursday of each month.
Susan Evans and Margaret Price, Co-Chairs
Daniel Dornbaum
A. Scott Falk
Sophia James
Sharon Pope
Rita Popper
Barbara Rudder
Public Member - Judith Schneider
Public Member - Tricia Shimamura
Public Safety Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
Debbie Teitelbaum and Nick Viest, Co-Chairs
David Rosenstein
Roosevelt Island Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The Roosevelt Island Committee addresses issues facing Roosevelt Island such as the protective seawall on the island and land lease that is held by New York State. This committee meets on an as needed basis.
Larry Parnes and Jeffrey Escobar, Co-Chairs
Ellen Polivy
Public Member-Judy Berdy
Public Member-Judy Buck
Rules & By-Laws Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The Rules and Bylaws Committee considers changes to Community Board 8's by-laws. Additionally, the committee deals with issues concerning procedures and member's actions and activities. The committee meets on an as needed basis.
Hedi White, Chair
Barbara Chocky
Charles S. Warren
Second Avenue Subway Task Force
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The Second Avenue Subway Task Force provides a forum that brings together members of the community and representatives of the MTA and its subcontractors. We discuss issues raised by the construction of the new subway - from E. 96th Street to E. 63rd Street. Representative of elected officials and city agencies are invited to the meetings.
M. Barry Schneider and Craig Lader, Co-Chair
Barbara Chocky
Rita Popper
Margaret Price
David Rosenstein
Barbara Rudder
Small Business Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
Small Business Committee
Sarah Chu and Matt Bondy, Co-Chair
Street Fairs Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The Street Fairs Committee reviews all multi-block fair applications in the Community Board 8 area to ascertain if they comply with the Board's guidelines. Public hearings are held and recommendations are made to approve or disapprove the applications. The Committee reviews single-block street fairs that presented previous problems or appear controversial. Other single block fairs are reviewed by the District Manager in conjunction with the Committee Chair.
Barbara Chocky and Hedi White, Co-Chairs
Michele Birnbaum
Lorraine Johnson
Street Life Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The Street Life Committee of the Board reviews plans for sidewalk cafes and liquor license applications. The Board then makes recommendations to the Department of Consumer Affairs and the New York State Liquor Authority with regard to these applications. This committee meets on the first Tuesday of each month.
Laurence Parnes and Abraham Salcedo, Co-Chairs
Albert Barrueco
Matt Bondy
Loraine Brown
Jacqueline Ludorf
Cos Spagnoletti
Public Member - Cory Evans
Technology Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The Technology Committee focuses on improving Community Board 8's technology infrastructure. The committee meets on an as needed basis.
Daniel Dornbaum and Sophia James , Co-Chairs
Lori Ann Bores
Abraham Salcedo
Transportation Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The Transportation Committee reviews initiatives from the City and requests from the community regarding transportation issues such as parking regulations, sign changes, bus and subway issues and the need for traffic calming devices. Community Board 8 then makes its recommendations to the appropriate agency based on the Committee's resolutions. The Transportation Committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month.
Charles S. Warren, A. Scott Falk Co-Chairs
Michele Birnbaum
Lori Ann Bores
Daniel Dornbaum
Andrew Kalloch
Craig Lader
David Menegon
Sharon Pope
Rita Popper
Hedi White
Public Member-Devin Gould
Public Member-Jordan Wouk
Vendor Task Force Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
Vendor Task Force Committee deals with vendor related issues and complaints.
Michele Birnbaum and Marco Tamayo, Co-Chair
Matt Bondy
Rita Popper
Nicholas Viest
Public Member-Monica McKane
Youth, Education and Libraries Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The Youth, Education and Libraries Committee, consistent with the Community Board's advisory role, will explore issues that affect young people to the age of 21. The committee will review youth services, summer youth employment programs, early childhood education, school safety (with CB8's Public Safety Committee), Department of Education, higher education (CUNY/SUNY).Where appropriate, the Committee will issue recommendations to the relevant governing agencies, elected officials, organizations and host informational forums on particular Youth and Education issues affecting our District.
Hattie Quarnstorm-Figueroa and Debra Teitelbaum, Co-Chairs
Lori Ann Bores
Sarah Chu
Edward Hartzog
Sophia James
Lorraine Johnson
David Menegon
M. Barry Schneider
Public Member-Michael Hoffman
Public Member-Betsy Tiffany
Zoning and Development Committee
Agendas / Minutes / Updates / Resolutions
The Zoning & Development Committee addresses issues related to zoning in Community Board 8.
Elizabeth Ashby and Elaine M. Walsh, Co-Chairs
Barbara Chocky
Craig Lader
Laurence Parnes
Rita Popper
Marco Tamayo