Weekly News Roundup – January 10, 2020

January 10th, 2020

BP Brewer to host task force meetings on Lenox Hill hospital revitalization - Villager

NYC evictions down almost 20% six months after state tenant protections enacted - NY Daily News

NYC Ferry ridership up 32% in 2019, with service expansions coming: EDC - AM New York

Second Avenue is going through big change thanks to more mass transit - NY Post

After a wave of anti-Semitic violence, NYC schools plans curriculum to combat hate - Chalkbeat

Working group reveals new layer of anti-harassment reforms - Politico

How New York Is Zoning Out the Human-Scale City - NY Review of Books (thanks Anthony!)

MTA starts New Year off on wrong track as widespread delays plague commuters - Daily News

NYC workers flaunting placard abuse on first day of crackdown - NY Post

"Beneath the Queensboro Bridge, 16 personal cars were parked on the sidewalk. Instead of actual placards, many of their dashboards had safety vests bearing various logos, including those of the MTA or NYPD."


New York Dems will make expanding voting rights — including automatic registration — first order of business - Daily News

Max & Murphy Podcast: Cuomo's State of the State & What's Next, with Senator Liz Krueger - Gotham Gazette

In State of the State, Cuomo Plots Changes on Education Aid, Medicaid, Marijuana and More - Gotham Gazette

New York prepares for potential Iran blowback - City & State

New York is Still A Long Way From Universal Health Care - Gothamist

After Anti-Semitic Incidents, New Bail Law in N.Y. Comes Under Attack - NY Times

Why The Department of Investigation has A Dangerous Backlog On Background Checks For Top City Jobs - Gothamist

Silicon Valley's newest Rival: The Banks of the Hudson - NY Times

Subway Pulls 300 Cars Over fears Doors Would Open Between Stops - NY Times

Wasted Potential: The consequences of New York City's recycling failure - Politico

Wasted Potential: New York City's food recycling failures exacerbate climate crisis - Politico

Wasted Potential: Recycling progress in public housing eludes city officials - Politico

Wasted Potential: Lack of oversight lets commercial carters flout recycling rules - Politico

Wasted Potential: The fiscal hazards facing New York City’s recycling program - Politico

Please note: We regularly highlight articles on news sites that have limited access for nonsubscribers.