New bill seeks to fight ‘overdevelopment’ by alerting communities to rights transfers - Curbed
13 children of fallen 9-11 firefighters joining FDNY - NY Post
Calls to Keep Fusion Voting, Create Robust Public Matching System at First Hearing of State Campaign Finance Commission - Gatham Gazette
Income inequality persists despite de Blasio's focus on struggling New Yorkers, report finds - Politico
NYPD will let cops seeking mental-health treatment keep badges - NY Post
The Black Hole of East 79th Street - Our Town
Luxury-tower architect Leyva on economics over style - Crain's
Council set to repeal its conversion therapy ban in face of lawsuit - Politico
NYC's Excelsior Scholarships Rise 20 Percent But Tough Requirements Exclude Many - Times Union
A New Face At The Met After a 117-Year Vacancy - The New York Times
NYC Public Advocate pushes for tenant-led NYCHA task force - NY Daily News
Top Official to depart MTA - The Wall Street Journal
One in Four of New York’s New Luxury Apartments Is Unsold - NY Times
Subways hit highest ‘on-time’ rate in six years: MTA - NY Post
New Bill Targets domestic violence - Our Town
"Council Member Ben Kallos, who represents the Fifth District, penned the legislation that would mandate the New York Police Department and the city’s District Attorneys to publicly report on each instance of domestic violence, from the initial incident through the final resolution."
Phone Service Problems Leave More Than a Dozen Hospitals Unable to Take Calls - The New York Times
Following Backlash, Stuy Town Owner Now Commits To Renting All Of Its Vacant Affordable Apartments - Gothamist
The Shelter Wars: City’s Need for Beds Meets Opposition in Several Neighborhoods - City Limits
City Hall to ram through $43M ferry purchase over comptroller’s objections - New York Post
‘It Kind Of Boggles The Mind’: Comptroller Questions NYC’s $126 Million Plan To Buy More Ferries - Gothamist
"Stringer added that it was impossible for his office to review the viability of ferry service when the city hasn’t released data on utilization rates, rider demographics, or other performance metrics. It’s also unclear how the ferries will turn a profit. A single ferry ride costs $2.75. But a recent review found that taxpayers are subsidizing each ride by $10.75."
Political fight threatens de Blasio's plans to remake public housing complex in Manhattan - Politico
"The plan for Fulton Houses calls for erecting new buildings on either a playground or parking lot on the property, moving residents of 72 apartments into them and then tearing down the two vacated low-rises to make way for larger buildings that would be predominantly rented to market-rate tenants. The city would then partner with a private developer to manage the public housing apartments through a federal program known as Rental Assistance Demonstration, or RAD."
It’s Pedal to the Metal for Electric Vehicle Charging on the UWS - West Side Rag
"In Manhattan, DOT, MOS [the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability] , and ConEd intend to install a total of eight charging ports across a total of sixteen parking spaces for the pilot program. This includes three ports on the Upper West Side, as well as an additional two ports in Washington Heights and three ports on the Upper East Side."